Tetbury Photographic

Creative Photography Starts Here

About Us

It is over 100 years since Tetbury had its first camera club, which was inaugurated in 1910. Things have changed a bit since then.

We do our best to provide a friendly meeting place where photographic enthusiasts can meet to exchange views and ideas, to view photographs taken by others, and to generally improve and extend their knowledge of this fascinating hobby.

If you are thinking of joining us don’t be put off if you are just starting out. Whatever standard you are at and whatever equipment you use, DSLR camera, compact, bridge, phone camera or still use film (one of us still does) you will find the club very encouraging and useful in developing your skills.

Tetbury Photographic meets on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month at 7.30pm from September through to May.

Our usual meeting place is the training room at Tesco, Priory Road Industrial Estate, London Road, Tetbury GL8 8HZ. Map

Meetings are varied so please take a look at our Programme. We also try and arrange photo trips throughout our summer break.

Occasionally it may be necessary to meet digitally via Zoom.

Current membership is £48 per annum.

TCC-Membership-Application Download

Anyone is welcome to join Tetbury Photographic, if you think that belonging to Tetbury Photographic sounds interesting, then do come along to some of our meetings. You are more than welcome to try us out over a number of evenings to get a flavour of our activities and you will find a warm welcome from a friendly group of Photographic enthusiasts.

If you would like to find out more about us and what we do, then please click here to contact us by e-mail.

COPYRIGHT NOTICE: All images used in this website are the copyright of the photographer who took them. Please respect this and refrain from copying images without permission.

© 2025 Tetbury Photographic

Theme by Anders Norén